Upcoming Training: The Seven Dimensions of Relating for Men™

Men's Foundation Intensive 

the Seven Dimensions of Relating

Friday, April 26 - Sunday, April 28

3 Days and 2 nights to practice The Inner Game of Being with People

What is it

A transformational experience in your ability to relate and communicate with yourself and with other people 

What's the purpose? 

To eliminate limitations people have placed on what is possible between them and the people they interact with every day.  To be more authentic and to know more love, more clarity and more power as they move and live in the world

When?  Friday evening, April 26 through Sunday afternoon, April 28

Where?  A beautiful setting in Northwest Washington

What else is it?  A practical, life-changing, skill-focused course for men committed to enriching the interactions they have with the people they are closest to.  The course will include theory, combined with practicing skills in class and practicing what they learn with the people they know in life.

Who is this intensive for?   Seven Dimensions is for men who have experienced relationship quagmires, dead ends and stalemates and cannot afford another divorce or botched vacation or blame game.  This class is for men who are serious about turning relationships into the rich experiences they can be.  It is for men who have something on the line in their closest relationships and can no longer afford the emotional and financial costs of interpersonal struggles.

This is a small group and space is limited, so I suggest you contact me early!

How to register:  Leave your name and email in the comments section at the bottom of the page and I will contact you.  Your information will always remain private.


cfl-cover-photoA bully or a doormat, macho or wuss, assertive or passive, Mister Rogers or Rambo?  This pretty much describes the choices many men in this culture believe they have.  

Is this really what our relational style options boil down to?  Compromise one way or compromise another?  What is the avenue to true authentic male presence, the truth which will be different and unique for each man?

Where do you go to find the answer when she asks what you are feeling?

Robert Bystrom, author of Communicating for Life, is opening the next training opportunity in personal communicating for men.                                              

What will you get?

  • more confidence and comfort in being yourself in your closest interactions

  • you will know what feelings and emotions are and how to talk with ease about this most important of relationship dynamics

  • skills you can use from Day One to create openings and connections where there had been blocks and stalemates

  • emergency strategies to create space to consider options not immediately apparent

  • personalized coaching to make sure you can apply the new skills to your every-day situation

  • how to listen so the other person knows she is heard

  • a community of men similarly committed to breaking through the limitations placed on the greatest of human experiences, the relationships with those closest to us

Join me for this series so you can forever enjoy the results that lie beyond the limits created by your culture and your upbringing and gain the tools you did not receive growing up.

Register  now.  Leave your name and email in the comments section at the bottom of the page.  I will contact you personally.

The Inner Game of Relating is all about a man's relationship with himself.

You cannot connect with someone else until you know how to connect with yourself.  This is because a man's relationship with himself is the template for his relationships with everyone else.  This places the power to create change within you.

The key to knowing someone, like your wife, and discovering deeper levels of her awareness, genius and creativity lies in your curiosity and your ability to ask questions.  Curiosity is a muscle that becomes stronger with use.  Strengthening it begins with you and being curious about your own awareness, genius and creativity.

Your problems in relationships, however deep and personal, are not unique to you.

Not only that, your relationship problems started long before you were born.  It's not your fault that you are having problems.  "Communication Collapse Disorder" is endemic throughout this culture!!!

Even though it's not your fault, what you can do with these tools places the outcome with your closest relationships entirely in your control.

We as a society have little understanding of the skills involved in navigating the calms and storms of human relationships and men especially are handicapped--literally.

Having never been taught the fundamental skills of communicating, we men are incapable of being fully present. Being successful--as a father, as a lover, as a business partner or community leader requires learning.

What do men say about 7 Dimensions?

"Robert has a gift of creating simple one-on-one exercises that really helped me break free from destructive thought patterns.  I saw through the veil of my ego right there in the moment.  How amazing!  His question driven dialogue is brilliant.  It helped me to open spaces in personal communication I have never been to before.  One of Robert's most powerful elements in the work is breath work, which opens the path for more movement of the heart and personal growth. Breathing moves me out of my head and into my heart." 
--Jeff Aspnes,
Fine Art Photography,
Bellingham, WA
"The connections I made in this class offer great value to me. Not simply the great connections with the other men in the group but the connection with myself. The guided breathing exercises and activities help me become more 'present' and in touch with my body. The teachings were thought provoking and offered insight into my challenging relationships with my older son and my sister."
--L. John Mason, Ph.D.
Stress Education Center
Oak Harbor
"The analogy of the mind as a question-driven search engine has had a profound impact on my practical relationship with my own mind."
Atul Deshmane,
CEO, Whole Energy

(By application only)

Cost for the entire intensive, including organic meals, shared accommodations, beautiful setting in nature,(plus a follow up evening class!):

$600 if paid by April 1

$800 if paid after April 1


Register now.  Leave your name and email in the comments section at the bottom of the page and I will contact you.  Your information will always remain private.


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